Smith College, a private liberal arts women’s college in Northampton, MA, tasked our team with devising a wayfinding system for their new Neilson Library. The solution must enhance user navigation, and align with the college's mission of empowering women.
The solution aims at complementing the architectural vision of renowned American female architect Maya Lin. The sign family achieves this by use of freestanding components that mirror the proportions of existing architectural elements and a neutral material palette that feel integrated in the architectural palette.
To develop an effective wayfinding system for the Neilson Library at Smith College, we conducted a thorough assessment of the architectural design, focusing on Maya Lin's vision and the college's values. This involved close collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure the system would not only complement the architectural aesthetics but also meet functional requirements. We identified key design elements, including freestanding components that echo the proportions of existing architectural features, and a neutral material palette that aligns with the building’s interior. Additionally, room and space nomenclature was carefully crafted to honor donors, with size and placement of signage reflecting the significance of financial contributions. The system was developed with a focus on both aesthetic harmony and user experience.