PAC NYC, the culminating piece of the World Trade Center Masterplan, is envisioned as a cubic symbol of culture, resilience, and inclusivity. While iconic, the stacked nature of the building and reconfigurable theater spaces, poses many complex wayfinding challenges, requiring a reliable signage system that must adapt to each of the 31 unique layouts while sustaining a commitment to inclusivity.
A wayfinding strategy that leverages illuminated and digital signage to accommodate temporary signage in response to various theater configurations, as well as strategic messaging and iconography to ensure all patrons feel respected, included and welcome.
The wayfinding process started with understanding the flow of FOH patrons and BOH users through conversations and diagrams with theater personnel. User flow diagrams were developed, mapping out navigational instructions from general to specific. Scaled floor plans and reflected ceiling plans were studied to locate fixed and mobile architectural components, furniture and equipment, and identify potential signage locations. Key decision points revealed areas in need of signage/information. Messages were categorized into permanent or situational and static and digital layouts were prepared accordingly. The process as it corresponds with the digital and physical ticket was prototyped and tested.
After consulting a panel of inclusivity experts, we developed nomenclature compliant of gender inclusivity best practices. Custom symbols were necessary to ensure new icons felt intentional and consistent with the rest of the branded visual language.